Grant Cycles

Monterey Peninsula Foundation has two grant cycles each year (Spring and Fall).

Foundation staff will work with grantees and applicants to select the best application timeframes for their needs. Once a home cycle is selected, we require grantees and applicants to remain within that cycle for future applications.

Please review the following forms and documents:

Home Cycle Selection Questionnaire

Home Cycle FAQ

Only completed applications from eligible organizations will be considered for funding during their home cycle timeline. Applicants that miss reporting and application deadlines will be asked to wait a year before applying. Strict adherence to these deadlines is critical to ensure the agency can apply for support annually.

Applicants should make every effort to ensure their application includes all financial, budget, and other attachments required in our online application process. If an application is received incomplete, it may be denied.

For questions about application deadlines or home cycle, contact:
Email: [email protected]
Call: 831.649.1533

Timeframe for Applying

Spring Cycle

December 1 application deadline for an April funding decision. Reports due December 1 (at the end of the grant period).

  • Grant Period for a single year grant is April 1-November 30 (8 months)
  • Grantees with fiscal years ending 12/31 may wish to consider this as their Home Cycle.
  • K-12 schools (public, private and charter) and school districts must apply in the Spring Cycle. We ask that you contact the Philanthropy Office at grants @mpfca.org in advance of applying to discuss your funding request.

Fall Cycle

June 1 application deadline for an October funding decision. Reports due June 1 (at the end of the grant period).

  • Grant period for a single year grant is October 1-May 31 (8 months)
  • Grantees with fiscal years ending between 6/30 may wish to consider this as their Home Cycle.

Applicants that miss reporting and application deadlines will be asked to wait a year before applying. Strict adherence to these deadlines is critical to ensure the agency can apply for support annually.


While we will make every effort to include your proposal in the cycle in which you apply, we cannot guarantee we will be able to do so. We will work to keep you informed of the process and how it impacts your review.


For more information about the application process, please visit “How to Apply”.